Find information about licences and the use of music

Other licences

By obtaining a music licence, you can play well-known music and help guarantee that music authors and performing artists get the compensation they deserve for their work. You can get music licences for events (company and association parties, gigs, concerts, festivals, etc.) directly from Teosto.

Personal licences

DJ licences covers the recording of music in DJ activities. Choose either a DJ licence or a daily reproduction licence depending on how often you perform. By obtaining a licence, you help to guarantee that music authors and performing artists gets the compensation they deserve for their work.

Offices, lobbies and production facilites

Playing music creates a relaxed atmosphere at the workplace or office and creates a sense of togetherness among employees. Music has also been found to increase productivity and help to concentrate.

Educational establishments

Educational establishments licences apply to private educational establishments and music used outside of teaching (e.g., school parties, senior dances, etc.). On this page you can also find the music licences for day service activities.


With the help of music, you can drown out the sounds of traffic, increase customer privacy and create a pleasant sound environment for example in a taxi. This makes the trip more enjoyable both for the customer and the driver.

Exercise and gyms

Inspiring and motivating background music creates the right feeling at the gym and workout classes and makes the customers’ workouts go smoothly!

Health care and care facilities

Music heals the mind, body and soul and can even reduce pain! Music is helpful both in recovery and in performing various procedures. However, not only patients benefit from music, it also increases the well-being of healthcare workers and enhances for example the ability to concentrate.

Licences and industries

Online store for music licences