View from back seat at coach bus, more seats in blurred background

Background music in a bus

The background music in a bus licence covers the public performance of background music in busses and minibuses.

Read the product’s special terms and conditions.

Minibus: Max. 1+22 registered seats.

Bus: More than 1+22 registered seats.

If you need a temporary licence, please contact our customer service. You cannot buy a temporary licence from our online store.


Number of months of using music (annually)
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Information about the licence

  • The licence covers the public performance of background music in buses and minibuses
  • The price of the licence is determined by the number of buses, the source of the music and also the size of the bus
  • The billing cycle is selected when purchasing a licence, and it can be annual, semi-annual or quarterly
  • The licence is valid until further notice and the notice period for the licence is one month
  • When purchasing the licence, you can also purchase the licence that covers the use of karaoke or music videos in a bus or a minibus

Pricelist 2024