hotel room bed with pillows, interior design concept

Background music in accommodation facilities

The background music in accommodation facilities licence covers the public performance of background music from a phonogram in accommodation facilities.

Read the product’s special terms and conditions.

If you need a temporary licence, please contact our customer service. You cannot buy a temporary licence from our online store.

If you already are our customer and have a user account in MyLicence service, you can choose a previously added venue.

Number of months of using music (annually)
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Information about the licence

  • The licence covers the public performance of background music from a phonogram (e.g. TV, radio, computer, webradio, CD, streaming service suitable for public use) in accommodation facilities
  • The licence covers the public performance of music as phonogram music in the customer’s accommodation facilities (hotel and hostel rooms, holiday cottages, timeshares and other corresponding accommodation facilities), including such public premises that lead to the accommodation facilities (such as lobbies, hallways to the rooms, however, not the premises meant for the use of the personnel)
  • The licence is venue specific
  • The price of the licence is determined by the number of rooms
  • The billing cycle is selected when purchasing a licence, and it can be annual, semi-annual or quarterly
  • The licence is valid until further notice and the notice period for the licence is one month

Pricelist 2024