Cinema auditorium with one reserved seat

Music in cinematic operations

The music in cinematic operations licence covers the performance of phonograms as background music in the cinema.

Read the product’s special terms and conditions.

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Information about the licence

  • The annual and Percentage music in cinematic operations licence covers the music included in films on behalf of Teosto
  • The licence covers the performance of phonograms (e.g. TV, radio, computer, CD and streaming services suitable for public use) as background music in the cinema
  • The licence also covers the use of background music in the cinema auditorium before and during breaks of the film
  • Recorded music played during the intermission or as background music in the cinema requires a separate licence from Gramex, which can be purchased by filling out the “Other licences” form

Annual licence

  • An annual licence can only be obtained by operators organizing film club activities and/or occasional film screenings who are not members of SEOL (The Finnish Cinema Association) (note: cinemas, film festivals and tours purchase the music in cinematic operations licence)
  • The licence is only valid for film screenings with a maximum audience of 200 people
  • The billing period is one calendar year

Percentage licence

  • Operators who are not members of SEOL can obtain a Percentage licence to organize film festivals and tours and/or other regular film activities
  • The applicable value added tax is added to the prices
  • The licence obtainer informs us of the number of shows and the revenue receipts per show
  • Minimum compensation €10,94 / show

Pricelist 2024