Special terms and conditions: Music in professional dramatics

With this music usage license agreement, GT Music Licences, commissioned by Gramex, agrees on the compensation referred to in section 47 of the Finnish Copyright Act regarding the public performance of phonograms and grants permission to copy the phonograms.

With this usage license agreement, the customer:

  • agrees with Gramex on the compensation to be paid to the performers and the producers of the phonograms for the public performance of the phonograms in professional dramatics;
  • is granted by Gramex on behalf of Gramex’s represented rightholder the non-exclusive right to:
    (i) copy commercially published phonograms to be used in professional dramatics; and
    (ii) use the acquired phonograms intended for private use / phonogram usage rights in professional dramatics.

Professional dramatics refers to shows and intermissions of a professional theater or circus as well as any theater operations in the facilities thereof taking place immediately before or after a show. The license does not apply to other operations taking place in the facilities of a theater or a circus, such as café or restaurant operations.

Copying the phonograms must not be carried out by a third party.

The license does not include the right to copy phonograms or perform the as part of advertising or in a manner or context that violates the moral rights specified in the Copyright Act.

After the expiry of the license, the copies made under said license must not be used for the purposes in accordance with this license.

The license is production-specific and granted for an individual professional theater or circus.

In addition to these special terms and conditions, the general terms and conditions of GT Music Licences Ltd apply.